Would you like to know how to grow your business online? This article goes through 3 simple steps you can follow to do that.
This video created by Russell Brunson inspired me to create this article.
Often we make our online business more complex than it should be. The way Russell explains these 3 steps is so clear and gives a clear path to follow to make your online business successful.
Let’s get started!
Table of Contents
Step 1: Model What Works
When starting your online business don’t try to guess what could be successful and what could work. There are so many successful business models out there.
So, instead of trying your own untested business model follow a business model that has already proven to be successful.
Model what works, model someone who is already doing what you would like to do.
And when I say model I don’t mean copy. Understand what makes his business successful and follow the same strategy in your own niche.
As Russell explains in his video, reverse engineer what successful people are doing.
What are they selling? How are they selling it?
Step 2: Once You Get Some Success Duplicate What Works
When people achieve some level of access in their business they often tend to move to something completely different.
It sounds weird, but it’s something I have been guilty of too.
Maybe that’s because once the approach that works becomes familiar to us, it also feels too easy to be true.
When you find an approach that is successful for you in your online business, double down on it. Be consistent with that approach that has already brought you some results.
I don’t remember where I heard this phrase…
Very often repetitive tasks that start becoming boring to you as an entrepreneur are the ones that make the real difference in the long term (e.g. publishing one article on your blog every week).
To make your online business successful find what works and repeat it over and over. Consistency is the key.
If you have found a product, a funnel, or an approach that works in your online business, double down on it. Don’t move to something else!
Step 3: Become Obsessed With Your Online Business
Doubling on what works is ok but often is not enough!
According to Russell, if you want to truly become successful with your business you have to become obsessed with it.
Become obsessed with the business your run, with the product you create, with whatever you do in your online business.
Without doing this it can become challenging to keep consistent energy, passion, and drive in running your business online.
And when our business doesn’t grow as fast as we would like to we start losing momentum.
In this article, we have covered three very important steps that can help you grow your business online.
I really like the way Russell Brunson makes something like growing an online business so simple.
For example, I can definitely see areas in my business where I know what works but often instead of doubling down I try something different. And the result is a business that doesn’t grow as quickly as it could.
So, follow these three important steps and if you would like to learn more from Russell Brunson have a look at this great challenge that Russell has created.

I’m a blogger and entrepreneur. I want to help you in your journey to build your business online.