If you want your business to be successful you always have to work hard to improve work performance. It is only by doing this that you can give your business the best chance of growing.
It doesn’t matter if you’re the owner of the business, manager, or simply a team leader, you should always aim to make both small and big changes that improve performance, whether it be your own or your team’s.

Luckily, there are many ways you can improve work performance.
In this post, I’ll be covering the best. You’ll find 24 ways to improve work performance and continuously grow your business.
If you need help improving business productivity or simply need some inspiration to help your business grow, consider the tips below!
24 Tips To Improve Work Performance
1. Limit Distractions
One of the best ways to improve work performance is to limit distractions. Increased access to the internet, applications, and messaging services has made it much easier to switch off and become distracted.
By following simple actionable tips such as turning off smartphones or working in a quiet space, you can focus more on your work.
If you know that you can get distracted easily, make sure you set yourself time for deep working sessions.
2. Communicate Clear Expectations
Setting the right expectations for your team is important. Setting clear, achievable, and fair expectations from the start gives your employees something to aim for.
If you don’t set expectations from the start, how can you expect your team to meet your business needs?
A great tool to use to set expectations is Basecamp. This Google platform allows you to set clear and concise individual expectations and goals that your staff must meet.
3. Set SMART Targets
Following a similar path to setting expectations, a great way to improve work performance is to develop SMART targets.
SMART targets are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-Bound.
By setting SMART targets, you can ensure your employees work towards a goal that will improve their performance. For example, a SMART target might be to sell a certain amount of products by the end of the month.
Miro can help you set SMART targets.
4. Plan, Organize, And Prioritize
Failure to plan, organize, and prioritize will lead to stagnation. This will limit the growth of your business.
Each one of these factors is key to building a productive and effective working environment.
Something as simple as creating a checklist at the start of the day can help you keep things organized and prioritized.
Udemy Business can help you learn what you need to know.
5. Run Regular Meetings
Running regular meetings will help you ensure everyone is on the same page. Meetings are key to making sure everyone is heading toward the same goal.
They also represent a good opportunity to check in with colleagues and air any issues.
Meetings can be taken to the next level and made easy with tools like Fellow.
6. Improve Your Communication Skills
Doing something as simple as improving your own communication skills can improve work performance. This is particularly important when working on bigger projects with more employees.
Clear communication is essential for the overall performance and success of the team.
Preparing what you have to say in advance is a simple way to ensure you get your point across.
7. Handle One Task At A Time
Multitasking isn’t as easy as people think. Taking on more than one task at a time can easily lead to mistakes and a decrease in work quality.
By simply focusing on one task at a time, you can easily improve workplace efficiency and performance.
Prioritizing tasks in a checklist can help with this.
8. Read New Content Daily
Some of the most successful leaders all around the globe are those that emphasize growth and learning.
Reading new content daily is an easy technique you can implement into your usual routine. You’ll learn new knowledge and increase your skillset as a result.
9. Make The Most Of Online Courses
Another great way to improve your business knowledge is to enroll in a variety of business-related online courses.
Online platforms such as Udemy and Skillshare offer a wide range of classes and courses that will develop your skill set.
10. Downtime Is Important
You and your co-workers should never sacrifice your physical or mental health for work. Learn how to set boundaries, take regular breaks, and recharge through sleep and exercise.
Positive mental health will push you toward your goals. As a result, it is important to avoid burnout.
By simply making sure you and your staff have downtime, you can keep refreshed, motivated, and driven.
The Mindfulness App is a great tool to use if you need 15 minutes to recalibrate before tackling your next task.
11. Identify Weaknesses
You can’t hope to improve or grow unless you change faults within the business.
Taking time to identify weaknesses before producing a plan to tackle them can improve your workforce and develop you on a personal level.
If you’re struggling with where to begin, think about asking a trusted friend or mentor about your weaker areas. You can also look back on projects that didn’t go the way you planned.
Use Miro’s SWOT analysis tool to analyze your company’s strengths and weaknesses.
12. Use Automation Tools
Automation tools are becoming increasingly popular in the workplace. Using the right automation tool can reduce operational costs by automating certain aspects of your business.
More time can then be spent meeting other goals. Automation tools usually reduce the number of errors that occur too.
Begin by finding the areas of the work environment that can be automated. Research third-party software and connect with colleagues that have worked with automation tools before.
Tallyfy is one of the best workflow automation tools on the market.
13. Seek Feedback
Seeking feedback from co-workers and managers is a great way to identify your own strengths and weaknesses.
Simply checking in with your manager or taking a coffee break with colleagues is a great way to learn more about your performance.
You could give your co-workers feedback too, and if you are looking after a team, give them constructive feedback regularly.
14. Be Punctual
It’s super simple but absolutely crucial. If you’re going to grow a business, you have to be on time.
This includes arriving early to the office, attending calls and meetings on time, and of course, completing tasks before the deadline.
Consider using online tools that link with employees’ work emails to schedule meetings. This can help workers be punctual as they will get a reminder sent to their email before a meeting starts.
If you’re a leader or manager, rewarding those that arrive on time or finish assignments early can be an incentive for others to be punctual too.
15. Build Courses For Your Employees
Improving the knowledge of your staff can improve productivity and employee skills.
This is important because it is your employees that will help you grow your business. You can teach your employees new skills by creating courses that are specific to your business.
LearnWorlds is one of the best tools you can use.
16. Share Your Knowledge
Every member of staff within a business has different skills. They also all come from different backgrounds. This creates the perfect opportunity for employees to learn from each other.
By encouraging the sharing of knowledge, your workforce can learn new skills without a training course.
17. Create A Strong Workforce
Creating a strong workforce is key to growth. This not only includes hiring the best people for the roles but also building strong relationships and links.
Building these connections helps build a positive rapport and a team that will help each other grow.
Casual meet-ups, team bonding activities, and coffee mornings all help.
18. Take Regular Breaks
You can’t possibly work at your best without taking regular breaks.
Taking five minutes here and there and plenty of time for your lunch will help you keep focus.
This in turn will ensure your work is completed to the best standard.
Your eyes also need a break especially nowadays when we are used to spending many hours in front of a computer.
Look away from the computer from time to time and notice how this helps your eyes rest.

19. Don’t Leave Tasks Unfinished
Let’s face it, it’s easy to leave a task unfinished to move on to a more exciting project. Whilst this may not seem like a problem, this can create a chain of problems further down the road.
Completing tasks before moving on to another one prevents delays and ensures the business runs smoothly.
If a job takes under two minutes to finish, complete the task immediately and strike it off of your checklist.
If you often start a task and leave it unfinished, you’ll understand how this can be overwhelming, as the tasks can begin building up.
Finishing an assignment before starting a new task won’t just increase your work output, but can also reduce your stress level.
It will also give you a sense of accomplishment!
20. Build Your Own Development Plan
A great way to improve your own work performance is by creating a development plan.
In business, there’s a good chance you want to move up the ladder and gain a higher position. By building a development plan, you can work out what it’s going to take for you to get there.
This will give you the focus and motivation you need to consistently perform at the top level.
Seismic has some great development plan templates you can use.
21. Be A Leader And Role Model
Finally, if you’re a manager or team leader, you can boost work performance and grow your business by setting a good example.
By doing everything right in terms of hitting deadlines, developing your skill set, being punctual, and communicating well, you can set an example for your employees.
This will show them the level they need to be at if they are to be successful with your company. In turn, performance levels will increase.
22. Delegate Assignments
If you’ve been promoted to a leadership position or a managerial role, you might struggle to delegate assignments, particularly at the beginning.
We’re all human, so remember that no one person can handle all the tasks at once, even you.
Understanding when to delegate assignments and knowing which co-workers can handle tasks better than you is an important skill.
23. Reduce Stress
Feeling stressed about your career or your business is a sign that you need to take a break. Log off the computer and set your mind on another topic.
Exercise, walking outside, meditation, and reading are all relaxation techniques that can put you in a better mood.
24. Step Back And Evaluate
Make sure you take the time to step back and look at how things are doing in the workplace.
You might identify areas that need improvement. This can help your business grow.
One very important aspect of understanding your business is to collect data about it. This allows you do analyze it to understand if your business is moving in the right direction.
Data often also gives you access to opportunities in your business that you would see otherwise.
The Bottom Line
There you have it, 24 ways you can improve work performance and continuously grow. Improving a business isn’t all about making the most deals, building a bigger team, and using the most tools.
It’s also about successfully managing individuals, building positive rapport, creating a positive environment, and ensuring knowledge bases are always improved.
Now you have this list at your fingertips, you should start implementing as many of these tips as you can.

I’m a blogger and entrepreneur. I want to help you in your journey to build your business online.