If you have the patience and desire, starting a blog can be one of the best decisions you’ll ever make. Blogging is a fantastic way to explore your creative side and learn more about a certain field at the same time.

There are endless benefits to blogging that we could get into, but despite all of these, there are some reasons why some people shouldn’t start a blog.
Don’t get me wrong, blogging is great!
You can meet like-minded people, earn an income, and connect with readers from all around the world. Despite this, it’s sad to say that some people may not reap these benefits.
Even the most popular blogs started somewhere, but they have reached this level of recognition after a lot of hard work.
Success is not for everyone in the blogging industry, which is why you need to be patient and actually enjoy what you’re blogging about.
If you’re thinking about starting a blog, there are some questions you should ask yourself beforehand.
We’ll cover the most important questions together.
Consider the points below very carefully before you start, as you might save yourself a lot of time and heartache in the process!
Table of Contents
Are All Bloggers Successful?
Not all bloggers are successful. Blogging requires a passion for the niche you write about, determination, and lots of patience. For a blog to start getting traffic it takes time and this is one of the main reasons why many people give up before starting to see any results.
It can be hard right at the start, but no matter what, you’ll become better at blogging along the way.
Even seasoned bloggers who have had years of experience are still learning new things today. This makes blogging so fun, as the industry is always changing.
Starting a blog doesn’t require lots of tech knowledge or coding skills, but a lot of time and effort will be spent on creating content.
This is why it’s so important to have a passion for the things you write about!
It can be tempting to jump on the latest bandwagon and talk about trending topics, but you might find making this sort of content tedious, especially if it doesn’t interest you.
Also writing about trending topics is only a short-term strategy. Instead, you want to build a blog with content that could still be relevant in 10 years’ time.
Also, being interested in the content that you share will make the creation process a lot more fun. You might find that time goes by faster as a result!
Should You Blog If You Hate Writing?
Being a blogger requires you to spend lots of time writing unless you have money to pay writers.
Even if you have money to invest in writers it’s a good idea to write the first 15-20 articles yourself to get used to the process of writing an article in your niche and to be aware of any challenges with the process. This will make it easier for you to get the most out of your writers.
Something I hear often when I talk to people about blogging is the phrase: “I hate writing!”.
For some reason, many people hate writing, or at least they think they hate writing. This is often due to bad experiences or memories they have about writing from the times they went to school.
Before giving up being a blogger just because you think you hate writing, give it a try!
Pick a question about a topic in the niche you are passionate about and write an answer for it. Imagine you are teaching something to your best friend!
After trying this…
If you are definitely certain that you hate writing then another option could be to create content in a different format. For example, if you like recording videos starting a Youtube channel might be more in line with who you are compared to starting a blog.
How Hard Is It to Grow a Blog?
Starting a blog is relatively easy once you overcome any self-doubt about starting it or not starting it.
At the same time growing a blog long-term is a different story. You will have to write quality content and write it consistently for a long period of time before seeing results.
Usually, a brand-new blog (not based on an expired domain) will take at least 6 months to start making some money. This is mostly due to the fact that it takes time for Google and other search engines to start trusting your blog as a source of information in your niche.
So, growing a blog is not easy because you will have to be consistent with your publishing schedule for the first 6 months to 1 year without barely seeing any monetary results in return (you will see your traffic increase if you are growing your blog in the right way).
It takes something considering that today we get everything fast: your can order anything from Amazon and get it the day after, and if you want to watch a movie you can do it instantly on Netflix.
We live in the age of instant gratification!
Blogging is different, it doesn’t give you instant gratification and that’s the reason why many people give up. But if you stick to it you will be proud of yourself when your efforts will be rewarded.
Is Blogging a Waste of Time?
Blogging is not a waste of time, it’s a great way to develop your creativity and discover parts of yourself you might not be aware of. Blogging is a continuous challenge that will give you the opportunity to stretch yourself and build something that belongs to you.
Creating and growing a blog is a business and as with any business, it has pros and cons.
Blogging is not a waste of time but it will require lots of your time, especially at the beginning when you are getting started and you are learning how to write articles that get traffic from search engines.
Also to make sure you maximize your chances of success with your blog make sure to choose niches that are not too competitive especially if this is your first blog.
Then once you become an experienced blogger you can tackle more competitive niches.
Is it Easy to Make Money with a Blog?
Having unrealistic expectations about the success of your blog can be something that becomes demotivating.
Making money with a blog is not easy. It requires passion and knowledge in a specific niche, consistency in publishing articles, and someone who keeps you accountable.
In general, as human beings, we tend to have expectations about everything. So, there will be moments when you won’t see the results you expect and this might be frustrating.
Those are the moments in which your “why” will be really important because your why will keep you going. And it’s also important to have someone you know who can support you in those moments. Someone who reminds you that you can do it because you are great!
If you publish content that people in your niche are looking for and you do it consistently you will reach a point when you will start monetizing your blog (e.g. using ads or affiliates).
The Bottom Line
There you have it! These were the five questions you should ask yourself before starting your blog.
Blogging is a fantastic journey and it can turn into a fulfilling career if you are truly passionate about it and committed!
If you are thinking of entering the blogging industry, consider the points above carefully before starting your blog. If these don’t deter you, blogging might be the next best step for you!
Read bonus: if you have decided to start your own blog the next step is to look at possible blog niches. Learn what different blog niches have to offer.

I’m a blogger and entrepreneur. I want to help you in your journey to build your business online.